Newer Mac downloads require Stuffit Expander version 5.1.2 or higher. sitx) require Stuffit Expander or other decoding utility. Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) does not included Stuffit Expander. Digidesign Technical Document Library Archive - Download Acrobat PDFs of Digidesign manuals.Pro Tools Plug-In CS Updates Archive (EQ III, Mod Delay II, ReVibe, Smack!, Smack! LE, Sonic NoNOISE).Pro Tools Plug-Ins - Information & Downloads for Digidesign & Development Partner Plug-Ins.See Download Categories below Featured Downloads for additional sections Software Downloads Archive: May 2006 & Earlier Only Digidesign Mbox 2 Driver Mac High SierraĬurrent support information is available at Please Note: These pages will not be updated and may contain broken links. Though a Time Machine back up from before you upgraded to macOS Sierra is required. If you want to revert back to OS X 10.7.4, you can follow the steps on the following article.

I found this information here: Pro Tools 10 System Requirements This sounds like what you had before you updated. According to the developer website of Pro Tools, version 10 supports OS X up to OS X 10.7.4. You mention that you were told to downgrade your software. I will be happy to provide some direction. I know it is important to be able to use Pro Tools and the Mbox 2 with your Mac. I see that your Mbox 2 and the Pro Tools software will not work after updating to macOS Sierra. Thanks for posting on the Apple Support Communities.

This driver will be included with the next revision of Pro Tools LE v5.2.1 CDs included with retail Mbox packages. Note: Neither the Pro Tools LE 5.2 CD that originally shipped with Mbox or the download of Pro Tools LE (Mac) v.5.2.1 available at include this updated USB Driver. Digidesign Mbox USB Driver Update v.1.0.1 For Pro Tools LE (Mac) v.5.2 & 5.2.1. 2 Mbox 2 Setup Guide Pro Tools LE Capabilities Pro Tools LE on Mac or Windows provides the following capabilities with Mbox 2: † Playback of up to 48 mono or stereo digital audio tracks, or a combination of playing back and recording up to 48 mono or stereo digital audio tracks, depending on the ca-pabilities of your computer.